Daily Archives: October 27, 2010


Joey looked up from his newspaper and suddenly realized it all. The meaning of life, the answer to the universe, everything. He triumphantly stood up, the pipe falling from his mouth and coffee splattering everywhere.

“Diana, I have an idea.” He marched outside and was immediately gunned down by patrolling soldiers. They walked over to his bleeding, smoking corpse and recovered a parchment. He was a spy for the Eastern Republic army, he had been wanted for espionage against the Western Republic army; he was an engineer who had defected from the WRA. Now they had got him.

The soldiers read the parchment.

Dear ERA officials,

Forget about me. Don’t try to look for me or find me; I have discovered the meaning to all of our great questions. Something far more important than this miserable bloody war. If this is confiscated by troops please disregard; I am working for the ERA now. In fact if this message is being read now, it means I am dead. Or am I? Look behind you. Now.

The soldiers turned around and a WRA Phalanx Battle Suit stood before them, guns trained on the soldiers.
Gunfire echoed throughout the town.


‘If my reconnaissance photos are correct then the WRA troops must be pushing north to our Northern Range Equipment Facilities. We cannot, I repeat cannot,” he added emphasis by clubbing the map with his baton. “lose these factories to the enemy. We must launch a counter offensive that will cripple them for weeks, thus turning the tide of the war.”
“What are you proposing?” asked General Roland to Field Commander Thomas.
Thomas grinned.
“An aerial offensive.”
“That’s insane.” said Weston, standing up. “Our Eastern Air Force has been crippled. There’s a serious airplane shortage. How can we train the pilots? Most of them are dead and new ones never learn and always get shot down.”
“Then we must use discipline. Men, take me to the Schtag Air Base. Now!!!”


Late Wednesdays


Every second and fourth Wednesday in the month is a ‘late Wednesday’ for Miss W, which seems nice in theory but I really don’t like these days. Miss W lies in for a while, but I still tend to get up early for Boy 2, the traffic is worse when we leave because of rush hour, and somehow I always manage to get confused about exactly when we do need to leave. This morning I was sleepy and groggy after a night of not sleeping well, the milk was off so I couldn’t get my caffeine fix (I hate black coffee) and I thought we needed to leave at 8.15, and not 7.15. So I got all flustered, Mr W agreed to help but I had to drive Miss W all the way in to town, then rush back and leave Boy 2 with a To The Rescue person as Angels of Colorado couldn’t help today. My watch is broken, Boy 2 keeps playing in the toilet, and I didn’t even have time to fix a sandwich to take with me to work, and I was late – groan. I felt exhausted and grumpy at work today.

I did manage to write a little last night, but I just couldn’t get warm and comfortable and I have a cough. Tonight I’m going to take a sleep aid, write 500 words and try to stay awake until 9.30. I want to try out some new recipes and might experiment with a chicken pesto pie this weekend, I’ve also been looking through Nigella Express by Nigella Lawson, but the book I couldn’t resist checking out today was Best of the Pillsbury Bake-Off Desserts. I have a sweet tooth and am longing for something like peach-berry cobbler or cherry-nut crescent crisp.

Achieved quite a lot when I arrived home at 1.30 – wrote out bills and got serious about trying to get Boy 2’s disability reinstated. Now I am about to go and pick up Miss W. Potatoes are baking in the oven and we are having these with chicken fingers and baked beans tonight. I wish it was the weekend!

Fast Plants

Miss W speakin’.

Announcement nobody probably wants to hear:
Yesterday in science we planted little seeds. They’re called fast plants and the reason is obvious.
Today we checked on the seeds and a tiny little root had already burst out. In 1 DAY, they had germinated!!!
I probably won’t keep you updated on the seedies’ status but I might so LOL! STAY TUNED!!